Saturday, February 18, 2012

CupCake Eggs!

Do you ever get Sick of the same old bbreakfast foods? I sure do!! That's why this is a quick, easy and fun alternative to eggs (and of course, BACON)

Bits and Pieces:

  • Eggs (however many you need to feed your family
  • Bacon, naturally
  • Shredded cheese
  • You can add anything you like in your scrambled eggs in this! I normally use bell pepper and mushrooms as well, but we were out at this particular moment! 

Step 1 get a cup cake pan and place bacon in the cups

 Then scramble some eggs, add spices and whatever you like in your eggs

Then poor the beaten eggs into the cupcake cups! 


Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes, i check to see if mine are done by inserting a toothpick and when it comes out dry you know your good to go!! 

Seriously, that's it! How crazy simple was that?? And look at how cute they look!! 

 I drench mine with hot sauce then eat immediately! :)



  1. These will be on my daughter's plates for breakfast tomorrow morning :)

  2. AMAZING idea!! I shall make them next weekend w/ egg beaters and turkey bacon <3
